The year 2021 brought to The Foundry two new faces who are already making an impact!
Meet Krista Steenbergen. This past August, Krista took on the role of Director of Donor Services, coming to The Foundry with twenty-two years of major gift fundraising experience in education. Krista has been eager to use her gifts and experience, and something she already loves is hearing so many wonderful things about The Foundry from people in the community. “When I mention my role and the organization, faces light up! People are so proud of the work that is being done here!” Krista is so excited to be a part of the continued expansion of services in the West End of Bowling Green and is looking forward to the future.
Krista is passionate about wellness and is eager to bring this passion to her work at The Foundry, improving the wellness of our kids! “I am looking forward to watching God work in this organization to expand services and bring new programs to The Foundry and its families,” Krista shared, “I can’t wait to meet the students and families at the Fun Run in October!”
Laurie Tingle joined The Foundry in June as our new Grant & Finance Director. Since she came on board in the summer months, she was thrilled when school started back, and she saw the children entering the halls. “I’ll never forget their sweet little faces as I sat with them on the gym floor that first morning, new backpacks strapped on their backs, eager to show me their new shoes. It was the best slice of joy to watch those little ones so excited for that first day of school, a new adventure!”
Laurie was introduced to The Foundry when a friend from her church asked her to lead a finance class for a group of parents at The Foundry. “My husband and I were both bankers and enjoyed talking with these families and helping them with their family finances. It was honestly a great joy just to be able to help in that way!” Not long after that, a friend texted Laurie to let her know of a job opening at The Foundry. Then COVID-19 hit, a year went by with so many businesses and organizations closing, and that position was no longer available. As businesses started reopening, a different position became available, and Laurie felt like the timing was right and she needed to interview for it. “It was perfect timing, God’s timing!” Laurie said.
Laurie and Krista recognize that The Foundry is an amazing place, filled with precious children from all backgrounds who are unconditionally loved by the teachers and staff. They hope The Foundry continues to move forward with the wisdom and grace that only God gives, to make an exponential difference and help these little ones become strong, productive adults, not only within their families but in this community and the world!

The Foundry, Winter Newsletter 2021