Enrollment Information
The Foundry serves a 3.4 square mile radius in the West Side of Bowling Green, Kentucky.
Due to our low student-teacher ratios and limited space, our enrollment is limited. With continued funding, we are looking forward to expanding our class sizes and providing opportunities for even more preschoolers who live in the West End of Bowling Green.
We are currently enrolling preschoolers for the 2024-2025 school year. You can stop by The Foundry (we have very limited summer hours so call before coming) and pick up an enrollment packet or you can print English or Spanish enrollment packets at these links:
English Enrollment Packet 2024-2025
Spanish Enrollment Packet 2024-2025
For more information on enrolling your child, call us at 270-935-5290 (if no one answers, please leave a message and someone will return you call) or email Elizabeth Outman at
Parental Involvement
Attendance for our preschoolers is at no cost. However, in the spirit of community, parents of students in the Preschool Academy are expected to be active leaders in their child’s education and The Foundry’s efforts.
Requirements for each school year include:
Attend 2 parent conferences
Attend 6 parenting involvement classes and 4 community events
Complete 4 hours of volunteer work
(with The Foundry or other organizations)
One member of the family employed for 20 hours/week
( or )
in school part-time, whether higher education or attempting a G.E.D (or) attend a Jobs For Life type program, or some type of self-improvement.
These participation measures are to meet The Foundry’s goals of community enrichment both in and out of the classroom. For all of our parents, The Foundry is here to help you meet these standards and create a lasting reach of God’s work.
Preschool and
After School Academy
Kentucky All STARS is a state rating and improvement system for early care and education programs. In June 2018, the Foundry was pleased to announce that our Preschool and After School Academy have earned a 5 STAR rating under the childcare division, which is the highest rating possible.
In March 2019, we received approval that continued our 5 Star rating.

Talent is universal.
Opportunity is not.
The Foundry is using an intervention educational model that is extraordinarily high quality to make an incredible impact in the lives of young children who would not otherwise have the opportunity to excel educationally.
Get Involved:

How to Donate
Help support The Foundry’s mission of transformation through the love of Jesus for our neighbors in the West End of Bowling Green.

How to Volunteer
Interested in giving your time and service to help build the community in the West End of Bowling Green? Volunteer with The Foundry.

How to Enroll
Learn about The Foundry’s education process and how parental involvement is critical to the success of the child and the strategy of life-long change.